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When the goal is to compare more than two groups, analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a commonly used procedure. The goal of this tutorial is to provide an introduction to the simplest form of ANOVA, the One-Way ANOVA, which has a continuous outcome and one categorical variable indicating the groups to be compared.

When we have more than two groups to compare, we have the problem of multiple comparisons. Let \(J\) be the number of independent groups we wish to compare. For example,

There are two goals when comparing more than two groups. First, we want to evaluate the omnibus test of whether there is systematic variability among the population means. If there is evidence of such variability, the second goal is to determine which means are different.

This tutorial focuses on the first goal, and the tutorial on multiple comparisons addresses the second.

Analysis of Variacne (ANOVA)


Advantages of ANOVA

The F Distribution

Assumptions of One Way ANOVA

Homogeneity of Variance

Statistical hypotheses


\[ H_0: \sigma^2_{\mu} = 0. \]


\[ H_a: \sigma^2_\mu > 0. \]

New Notation

Symbol Description
\(k\) number of groups
\(n\) number in each group
\(N\) total number of participants (\(N = n \times k\))
\(df_{BG}\) between group degrees of freedom
\(df_{E}\) error or within-group degrees of freedom
\(SS_{BG}\) sum of squares between group
\(SS_E\) sum of squares error
\(SS_T\) sum of squares total
\(MS_{BG}\) mean square between group
\(MS_E\) mean square error

Toy Example

Toy Example Scenario

We are interested in comparing the how well different types of schools prepare students for college. We have sampled 3 students from a public school, 3 students from a parochial school, and 3 students from a charter school. We will compare these three groups on the high school gpa of students. Note this sample is way to small, but will allow us to make simple calculations before moving to larger data sets.

Toy Data (enter this into R)

jits <- c(-.2, 0, .2)
achieve <- data.frame(
  gpa = c(2.5, 3.0, 3.5,
          3.0, 3.5, 3.3,
          3.6, 3.3, 4.0),
  schtype = factor(c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3), 
                      labels = c("public", "parochial", "charter"))

achieve <- transform(achieve,
                     jst = as.numeric(schtype) + rep(jits, 3),
                     grandMean = mean(gpa),
                     groupMean = ave(gpa, schtype, FUN = mean)

# achieve <- achieve %>% 
#   mutate(jst =  as.numeric(schtype) + rep(jits, 3),
#          grandMean = mean(gpa)) %>% 
#   group_by(schtype) %>% 
#   mutate(groupMean = mean(gpa)) %>% 
#   ungroup

N <- nrow(achieve)
k <- length(levels(achieve$schtype))
n <- N/k

kable(achieve[, 1:2])
gpa schtype
2.5 public
3.0 public
3.5 public
3.0 parochial
3.5 parochial
3.3 parochial
3.6 charter
3.3 charter
4.0 charter
describe(achieve[, -(2:3)], fast = TRUE)
          vars n mean   sd min  max range   se
gpa          1 9  3.3 0.43 2.5 4.00  1.50 0.14
grandMean    2 9  3.3 0.00 3.3 3.30  0.00 0.00
groupMean    3 9  3.3 0.28 3.0 3.63  0.63 0.09
[1] 0.185

N, n, and k

  • \(n\) is the sample size within groups (for now \(n\) will be the same for each group)

\[ n = 3 \]

  • \(k\) is the number of groups

\[ k = 3 \]

  • N is the total sample size \[ N = n \times k = 9 \]

Degrees of Freedom

  • Generally, the degrees of freedom (\(df\)) is the number of independent observations minus the number of independent parameters estimated, and can be used as an estimate of the simplicity of a model.

\[ df_{G} = k -1 = 2 \]

\[ df_E = df_W= N - k = 6 \]

\[ df = N - 1 = 8 \]

Plotting the Data

ggplot(achieve, aes(x = schtype, gpa, color = schtype)) + geom_point()

Plotting the Data (jittered)

Here I jitter the data (add a little noise to the x axis) to help see better what is going on in the plots below.

d <- ggplot(achieve, aes(x = jst, gpa, color = schtype)) + geom_point() + 
  scale_x_discrete(name = "School Type",
                                  labels = c("1.0" = "Public",
                                             "2.0"= "Parochial", 
                                             "3.0" = "Charter"))

Plotting the Mean of gpa on the Data (calculate the mean)

dgnd <- d + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = grandMean))

Plotting Devations from the Grand Mean

dgnd <- dgnd + geom_segment(aes(x = jst, xend = jst,
                                y = grandMean, yend = gpa ))

Calculate the Total Sum of Squares and Variance of gpa


(SST <- sum((gpa - grandMean)^2))
[1] 1.48
(dfT <- N-1 )
[1] 8
(Sigma2 <- SST/dfT)
[1] 0.185

Plot the Group Means

dgrp <- d + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = groupMean, color = schtype))

Plot the Group Means and Within-Group Deviations

dgrp <- dgrp + geom_segment(aes(x = jst, xend = jst,
                                y = groupMean, yend = gpa))

Calculate the Within Sum of Squares(SSW or SSE)

(SSW <- sum((gpa - groupMean)^2))
[1] 0.8733333
(dfW <- N - k)
[1] 6
(MSW <- SSW/dfW)
[1] 0.1455556

Plot the Group Means and the Between Sum of Squares (SSG)

gdat <- data.frame(
  groupMean = unique(achieve$groupMean),
  grandMean = 3.3,
  schtype = factor(c("public", "parochial", "charter"))
ggplot(gdat, aes(x = schtype, y = groupMean, color = schtype)) + 
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = groupMean, color = schtype)) + 
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = grandMean), color = "black") + 
                    geom_segment(aes(x = schtype, xend = schtype,
                    y = groupMean, yend = grandMean)) + 
  ylim(2.5, 4)

Calculate the Between Groups Sum of Squares (SSG)

(SSG <- sum((groupMean - grandMean)^2))
[1] 0.6066667
(dfG <- k - 1)
[1] 2
(MSG <-  SSG/dfG)
[1] 0.3033333

\(F\) statistic

\[ F_{obt} = \frac{\text{variance between groups}}{{\text{variance within groups}}} = \frac{MS_{B}}{MS_W} \]

(F <- MSG/MSW)
[1] 2.083969

(1 - pf(F, dfG, dfW))
[1] 0.2054731
(1 - pf(2.084, 2, 6))
[1] 0.2054694

Doing all this with the R function aov()

Test the Homogeneity Assumption

This test is often underpowered, so don’t take it too seriously. In the current context I certainly do not think this test gives us any information (n = 9), but you should know how to do it.

leveneTest(gpa ~ schtype, data = achieve)
Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance (center = median)
      Df F value Pr(>F)
group  2  0.4222 0.6737

Recall that the null hypothesis is that the variances are not different, so we would fail to reject the null, which support the assumption being reasonable. But, once again, don’t take this test too seriously.

ANOVA Omnibus Test

To test the research hypothesis, conduct the oneway ANOVA:

mod <- aov(gpa ~ schtype, data = achieve)
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
schtype      2 0.6067  0.3033   2.084  0.205
Residuals    6 0.8733  0.1456               

The p-value suggests that the observed variance of the group means would be expected to occur about 20% of the time if these groups were randomly sampled from the same population, which is not typically rare enough to reject the null hypothesis (e.g. if mindlessly set the \(\alpha\) to .05). Said differently, the p value is too large to reject the null.

Statistical hypotheses


\[ H_0: \sigma^2_{\mu} = 0. \]


\[ H_a: \sigma^2_\mu > 0. \]